About our studio

“Yoga is the journey of the self, to the self, through the self”, The Bhagavad Gita

Welcome to our studio, at IYS we think yoga belongs to everybody and that yoga, very simply, will take you out of your head and into your body.

For us yoga is not about the pose, being flexible or having perfect balance. It is about cultivating peace and love within yourself while getting stronger and more flexible.

That is what you can expect when you practice here: a simple, peaceful, no fuss, no “ego” community.

Class Schedule

What to bring to class?

  • A clean body and mind – always come with good intentions! even if you feel bad, you know you will feel better afterwards.
  • If you have a mat, bring it. If not, we provide community mats. Please spray mats, wipe down and place back on the rack.
  • Bring your own water bottle and a sweat towel.

Tips and Suggestions

  • We kindly ask you to be on time for class and turn off the ringer on your cell phone as you enter the studio.
  • Commit to the class and at the same time you make a commitment to yourself. Everyone is allowed to rest when needed, but if you need to finish early, please let the instructor know so you can set up your mat closer to the door (we don’t want to disturb your fellow yogis)
  • We always encourage everyone to stay for Savasana (last pose).
  • If you are new to yoga, always start with a Beginner’s class.
  • Avoid using heavy smelling perfumes or products before class.
  • Remember, this is your practice! You can always modify or take an advance variation of a pose.
  • All yoga is done with smooth and controlled movements. Stay within your physical boundaries. You are here to practice breathing, concentration and meditation

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Studio Instructors